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Published Apr 16, 2024 ⦁ 12 min read
Family Bonding through Easy Experiments with Baking Soda

Family Bonding through Easy Experiments with Baking Soda

Discover the joy and simplicity of easy experiments with baking soda for family bonding and educational fun. From creating fizzing reactions to colorful volcanoes, dancing raisins, and even fizzy sidewalk chalk, these activities offer a hands-on way to explore basic science concepts together. Perfect for curious minds and budget-friendly, these experiments require common household items and promise a memorable learning experience for all ages.

  • Fizzing Reactions: Learn about acids and bases with the classic baking soda and vinegar experiment.
  • Colorful Volcano: Build your own erupting volcano, using food coloring for lava.
  • Fizzy Raisin Dance: Make raisins dance in a glass with a simple chemical reaction.
  • Fizzy Sidewalk Chalk: Create chalk that fizzes on contact, blending art with science.
  • Lemon-Lime Fizzy Potion: Mix a magical potion that changes colors, demonstrating acid-base reactions.

These activities not only provide a platform for understanding scientific principles but also foster creativity, problem-solving, and family connection through shared discovery and play.

Chemical Reaction Equation

Here's a quick look at the science behind it:

Baking soda (NaHCO3) + Vinegar (CH3COOH) turns into CO2 (gas) + Water + Sodium Acetate.

This means the vinegar (an acid) and baking soda (a base) work together to make gas bubbles, water, and a kind of salt. The bubbles are why you see all that fizzing!

Reaction Demonstration

Try this easy experiment:

  • Find a clear container, some baking soda, vinegar, and food coloring if you want to make it colorful.
  • Put 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into the container.
  • Let your kid pour vinegar over it until it starts to fizz.
  • Watch as it bubbles up! You can even see it overflow if you add enough vinegar.
  • Talk about how the gas is making those bubbles.
  • Drop in some food coloring to see how it spreads through the fizz.

Ask your child what they notice about the bubbles, the sounds, and how it looks. This is a great chance to talk about basic science in a fun way. Most importantly, enjoy the time together watching this simple reaction!

Experiment 1: Colorful Volcano


To try this fun volcano experiment, you'll need:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Food coloring
  • A small plastic bottle or container
  • A tray to catch any spills


Follow these easy steps to see your volcano come to life:

  • Put 2-3 tablespoons of baking soda into your container. Make a little hole in the middle of the baking soda.
  • Next, let your kid add a few drops of different food coloring into the hole. Each color will create its own "lava" path!
  • Now, pour vinegar into the container with the baking soda. It will start fizzing and spilling over like a real volcano!
  • Talk about how when baking soda (a base) and vinegar (an acid) mix, they make carbon dioxide gas. This gas tries to escape, making the fizzy, foamy eruption.
  • Encourage your child to try different colors and amounts of vinegar to see how the reaction changes. Do this experiment in a sink or on a tray to keep things tidy.

Family Discussion

After you've had fun with the experiment, chat about actual volcanoes. Talk about how pressure builds up under the Earth and causes them to erupt.

Have your child draw their favorite volcano from the experiment and imagine it as a real mountain with colorful lava. This is a great way to mix fun, learning, and family time!

Experiment 2: Fizzy Raisin Dance


For this fun raisin experiment, you'll need:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Raisins
  • A tall, clear glass


Here's how to make the raisins dance:

  1. Pour water into the glass until it's half full.
  2. Drop 5-10 raisins into the water and watch them sink.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of baking soda with 1/4 cup of vinegar in a separate cup until it starts to bubble.
  4. Slowly pour the bubbly mix into the glass with the raisins.
  5. Watch as the raisins start to move up and down in the water!

The bubbles from the mix stick to the raisins and lift them because they're now lighter. When the bubbles pop at the top, the raisins drop back down. It looks like they're dancing in the glass!

Family Discussion

After watching the raisins dance, you can talk about:

  • Why the raisins go up and down
  • How the bubbles change the water so the raisins can float
  • What makes things sink or float

Try the experiment again with more raisins or less water. See how it changes what happens. This is a cool way to learn about science together!

Experiment 3: Fizzy Sidewalk Chalk

This experiment turns regular chalk into something that fizzes and bubbles when you use it. It's a fun way for kids to draw outside.


  • 1 cup of cornstarch
  • 1/2 cup of water
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda
  • Food coloring
  • Popsicle sticks
  • A bowl for mixing


  1. Mix the cornstarch, baking soda, and water in a bowl until it's like dough.
  2. Split the dough into a few pieces and put a few drops of food coloring into each. Mix it well.
  3. Take a piece of the colored dough and put it on the end of a popsicle stick to make your chalk.
  4. Go outside and draw on the sidewalk or driveway with your chalk.
  5. Watch as your drawings start to fizz and bubble because of the baking soda!

The baking soda makes carbon dioxide bubbles when it hits the air, which makes your drawings fizz.

Family Discussion

  • Talk about why the drawings fizz and bubble. You can learn together about the reaction between baking soda and the air.
  • Try using different amounts of baking soda to see how it changes the fizzing.
  • Come up with games you can play with your fizzy chalk, like tic-tac-toe or hopscotch. It's a fun way to be creative and spend time together.

Making this fizzy sidewalk chalk is a simple way to mix science with creativity. It's a great activity for the whole family to learn and have fun together.


Experiment 4: Lemon-Lime Fizzy Potion


For this fun potion that changes colors, you'll need:

  • Baking soda
  • Lemon juice
  • Lime juice
  • Red cabbage juice (it shows if something is an acid or a base)
  • 2 clear containers or cups
  • Spoon for mixing


Here's how to make your own magical potion that changes color:

  • First, get some red cabbage, grate it, and squeeze out the juice into a bowl. This juice will help us see if something is an acid or a base.
  • Pour a bit of cabbage juice into each container.
  • In one container, mix in 1 teaspoon of baking soda. This mixture is a base.
  • In the other container, add 1 teaspoon of lemon juice to make it acidic.
  • Watch how the cabbage juice changes color in each container based on whether it's mixed with an acid or a base.
  • Now add 1 tsp of lime juice to the container with lemon juice and see how the color changes again.
  • Try mixing different amounts of acids (like lemon or lime juice) and bases (like baking soda) to see how it changes the color.

You're watching a chemical reaction happen right before your eyes!

Family Discussion

  • Talk about how the red cabbage juice can tell us if something is an acid or a base
  • Discuss why lemon juice is acidic and baking soda is basic
  • Chat about the chemical reactions that make the potion change color
  • Guess what other liquids around the house might be acidic or basic
  • Think up new experiments to change the potion's color in different ways. It's a fun way to mix creativity with science.

Making this colorful potion is a great way to learn about chemistry and have a good time together. Plus, you might just find the perfect recipe for a rainbow potion!

Additional Learning Activities

Volcano Art Dioramas

After trying the baking soda and vinegar volcano, you can make volcano dioramas. Use things like playdough, papier mache, paint, and cardboard to build your own volcanoes.

Adding LED lights or small flashlights can make it look like lava is flowing out. Be creative with your designs, colors, and lights to make it look real. This activity helps you learn more about science while also getting to be artistic.


  • The different shapes of volcanoes
  • Why volcanoes erupt
  • The kinds of lava and rocks they produce

Research Real Volcanoes

Choose a real volcano like Mount Vesuvius or Mount St. Helens to learn about after the experiments. Look for books, watch documentaries, or search the internet for information.

Consider topics like:

  • How tectonic plates move under volcanoes
  • How magma rises and causes pressure
  • Famous volcanic eruptions
  • How to stay safe if a volcano erupts

Learning about real volcanoes makes the experiment more interesting and teaches you how to find good information.

Create a Science Vlog

Kids can make a video blog showing how they did the experiments. They can talk about what they did and what they learned.

This is good for:

  • Getting better at talking and explaining things
  • Feeling confident in front of a camera
  • Teaching others in a fun way
  • Being creative with how the video looks
  • Using technology to share science with others

Making videos can also help other kids learn and try these experiments. It's a fun way to keep learning as a family.

Conclusion: Discovering Together

Doing easy experiments with baking soda with your kids is a great way to spend time together and make memories. When you explore these fizzy reactions, your family gets closer because you:

  • Learn by doing. These experiments are hands-on, which means kids get to try things out for themselves instead of just getting answers.
  • Ask questions and use your imagination. Watching baking soda and vinegar react makes kids wonder why it happens and think about what's going on that they can't see.
  • Learn from trying. Doing the experiments in different ways helps kids see what works and what doesn't, which is a big part of learning.
  • Find magic in everyday things. Simple kitchen stuff like baking soda and vinegar can do amazing things, which is really fun and surprising.
  • See things from each other's point of view. Talking about what you see and think during the experiments helps everyone understand each other better.
  • Make special memories. The things you see, touch, and hear during these experiments make them something you'll remember.

These activities with baking soda are a great way to learn and have fun without screens. Kids get to do real science with you helping them, which is way better than just watching videos about it. Doing these experiments together, instead of alone with gadgets, helps everyone feel closer.

So, grab some baking soda and vinegar, let your kids lead the way with their ideas, and have a great time learning and laughing together! It's a simple way to explore and make memories that the whole family will value.

What experiments can I do with baking soda?

There are lots of fun and simple things you can do with baking soda:

  • Fizzy hands - Fill balloons with baking soda and add vinegar to see them inflate.
  • DIY volcanoes - Create your own volcano eruption using baking soda and vinegar.
  • Bottle rockets - Make little rockets that fly using the power of baking soda.
  • Races - Use the fizz from baking soda and vinegar to move ping pong balls in races.
  • Dancing popcorn - Watch popcorn move in a mix of baking soda and vinegar.
  • Crystals - Grow your own crystals using baking soda, string, and a borax solution.

What household products react with baking soda?

Lots of things in your kitchen can react with baking soda, like:

  • Vinegar
  • Lemon or orange juice
  • Buttermilk
  • Sour cream
  • Yogurt
  • Cocoa or chocolate
  • Honey
  • Maple syrup
  • Molasses
  • Fruit
  • Brown sugar
  • Water

These ingredients have acids that make baking soda bubble up and create gas.

What children learn from vinegar and baking soda experiment?

Kids learn a lot from mixing vinegar and baking soda, such as:

  • Acid-base reactions - They see how an acid (vinegar) and a base (baking soda) react.
  • Chemical reactions - They learn that mixing things can create new stuff.
  • Inflating a balloon - They find out how gas from the reaction can fill up a balloon.
  • Following instructions - They practice reading and doing steps in order.
  • Observing changes - They get to watch the fizz and bubbles.
  • Curiosity and problem solving - They start asking questions like "why does this happen?"

It's a fun way to touch on some basic science ideas.

What are some cool things you can do with baking soda?

Baking soda can be used for a bunch of things around your house, like:

  • A mouthwash
  • Whitening your teeth
  • A deodorant
  • Getting rid of fridge smells
  • An air freshener
  • Making your laundry whiter
  • Cleaning the kitchen
  • Removing trash can odors

Baking soda is really handy because it's good at scrubbing things gently and getting rid of smells.

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